Tuesday, June 3, 2008


elo2 sume
just read all the post i've missed. too muchhhh stories but too little i cud recall..hmm..suda tua mungkin..huhu..just found another reason why we shud write all those things happend back in school here.so that every single memories will never be vanished and fortunately we have blog or to be specific..this blog:D

so how's life going ppl?
ocheed now da de keje yekk..sounds impressive.. u're makin kinda lots of money rather than me who's earning soooo much lemak inside..ahaha..

busy working on ur finals rite..wish ya merry cherry good luck..may everythg will be just alright.

bek jani?
sorg lagi yg da kije..hehe..ok la to b exact..u're having ur internship..
but still..sounds older what..ko kan leh jadi CSI kan skang...ape kate ko kje kat lab yg lagi satu tu..baru la cam real CSI..haha

kak ngah?
bile ko touch down?..kate mau gi maktab..aku xamek lg sijil spm aku ni..kompem da bekulat daa..huhu

lama aku x kontek minah ni..duk je mesia..tp jumpe xpenah..huhu..sadis gak r

nape sume bende yg korang cite aku tak ingat dahh..waaa..gile short term memory..kne brush up ni otak aku..anyway..sape yg curik paper ocheed..nape aku xleh recall..gone case betul..huhu..but i did remember..the incident mangkuk periuk tu..ehehe..yg sume kne mengadap ayahnde kan...ke aku silap cite..watevr pon...keep on writing ppl..help me to memorize all those worth memorizing evnts..

okla ppl..do write often oke!
wish me luck for the upcoming results
i might having another heartbreak..adehh
haa..mate aku x baik2 lg..jap ok jap tak oke..jgn kate aku bleh pkai lens suda..

see ya in the nex post
take care every1!

p/s: aku nak gi moscow ar..tamo mexico..tu typo error..haha..anyway pasni aku nak gi swiss lakk..yg ni xde typo error..sape nak ikut aku gi swiss..jom22:D..haa lagi satu..aku mmg da lame da letak link blog ni kt blog aku.dat means i dont mind at all if koin wants to do the same thing like i did..we're glamourizing this blog..haha!

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