Tuesday, July 1, 2008

posting for summer

No more updates.
where have u guys been?

btw,glad it's already summer now.
I'm done with my job.
I got my paychecks.
I own a brand new laptop (highlight for the day:D)
Took only one class (have to repeat previous prob class)
and damn it feels good to be free!

Btw,planning to have some vacations.
*sigh*Don't have enuf sources for that.
but summer is SUMMER anyway.
no matter how free u are.
it'll always keep u busy.

ok la.
Ehm.before i forgot.
For those who already in malaysia.
wish ya'all Happy Holiday!
remember to wear sunblock:P
kalau x jadi ikan bakar laa korg~

ok then.
toodles guys~
written by:ocheed

ps-keep posting for sth new:P

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