Saturday, May 3, 2008


to bebek Janie,
Oit dh bangon tido blom?? hahaha..msti ko bgon lambat kan,tido ntah pkul bape..huhu... wes ckp memolek sket k.. tau la akunyer wisdom tooth dh tumbuh memng dh xda chance nk meninggi...waaa~~~.. woit padan muke kena praktical diz monday!hahaha... kena buli..kena marah..hahahaha...ayo xtau..hahaha...btw, good luck!! aku saje je takotkan ko..hahah...

to bebek qubee,
WTF with your lectrr?, there's no relation at ol antara kelambatan kwn ko tu ngn isu politik mesia.. huhuhu..ntah ape2..btw, i dont like to talk futher bout the political issue here, as i dont really like it..for me,issue politic ni yg menyebabkan org melayu pecah2,pastu for non melayu terus bersatu n conquer malaysia..ok stop... hehehe.. hey wat happen to you? fobia? bfore diz ko ade experince sumthing yg tragik ke??huhuhu..quite dangerous kalo sampai sesak2 nafas ni.. better be careful,after this dont get too emotional..tenang,take a deep breath ok..huhu!~

to bebek Ocheed,
sorry to hear dat n i know its really sucks..wth with ur housemate? did u guys hv any problems bfore diz?? btw, wat kinda party r u talking bout? party budak2 malaysia or wat? know wat kt sini pon ada gak typical malay yg mcm tu,sangat bangga kalo bwat ape2 party yg xajak group aku, pastu kecoh2 nk bagi kitorg jeles, but who cares?? ocheed, dh jadi kebiasaan kesilapan n kekurangan org yg diorg2 ni nampak,tapi selama ni kalo nk study ke ape2 kitorg gak yg diorg cari...u know wat ocheed, dont think too much about it ok..jus go on with your study..pegi mampos la dgn mahluk2 asing mcm diorg ni,hidup xabes2 menyusahkan org...u only have 1-2years je lagi kat sana enjoy it as much as you can ok.. smtime being a lone-ranger is much better than have friends yg keep hurting us.. i noe wat u feel, far away from family, hv no one to talk to,sedih wo~...but u noe wat as long as ko ada bebekzz sume ni, jgn penah rase keseorgan k..hehehe...ok saya stop dulu kt sini..

ok saya kena bersiap..nk pegi house-warming umah member jap..hehehe!~
kepada sumer bebekz (kecuali bebek janie..hehe..) selamat berjuang untuk final!!...

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