Tuesday, May 6, 2008

thanks guys:D

hey guys:D

thanks anyway for all of ur wishes and supportive speeches:P
they brighten my day.i feel just great right now..theehee~
btw, have to delete that post (i'm afraid that anyone but u guys gonna read it)
rosak reputasi aku kt sini nanti.haha
(btw, my roomie was innocent.she wasn't invited too.rupa rupanya she had a meeting.
thats why she's not at home that day*forgive me for incorrect infos*haha)
sorry don't have time to reply to anyone's post right now.
got final exams tomorrow and the rest of next week
so, i won't be posting anything for a while yup.


for those of u guys who have finals coming,

I wish u all GOOD LUCK!
don't stressed out. do what u think the best for urself
be positive and happy studying!

for those who've done with finals,

I wish u all YIPPIE YAY YEAY!
but don't be too excited
(as ppl who still have their finals coming will be jealous:P)
enjoy ur 'merdeka day' and have fun!

xoxo.luv u guys!

written by: ocheed

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